Moksha (Freedom or Salvation) from the cycle of birth and death is the ultimate goal of Hindu religious life.  Moksha is called Mukti (freedom). The individual-
soul (atman), in its liberated state, possesses divine qualities such as purity, omnipresence and omnipotence, and is beyond limitations.Within the individual  individual, however, the atman is involved in the working of samsara (the cycle of birth and death in the phenomenal world), thereby subjecting itself to bondage by Law of Karma.  Moksha is attainted when the individual becomes liberated from the cycle of birth and death and attains Realization.

This union can be achieved through true knowledge (gyana ), devotion (bhakti), or right work (karma).  Purity, self-control, truthfulness, non-violence, and compassion toward all forms of life are the necessary pre-requisites for any spiritual path in Hindu dharma.  The Hindu dharma emphasizes the importance of a true guru (spiritual master) for the attainment of true knowledge of the soul and God.

Every person must strive hard and perform good deeds, so that his soul may rest in peace after his death. A person, who attains Moksha, gets freedom from all sorts of sufferings and pain. When a person gives away the materialist pleasures of life and gets involved in social activities to serve mankind, he heads his way towards heaven. Well, Moksha is a very broad term which encompasses numerous aspects like peace, knowledge and enlightenment. In this article, we will tell you the exact meaning of Moksha.

Moksha in Different Religions
In the Hindu religion, Moksha is associated with the concept of self realization, in which an individual understands the purpose why he is being sent on earth. When a person realizes the power of God and understands his ultimate goal, he strives hard to reach his final destination, i.e. Moksha or salvation. Among Hindus, Moksha is viewed as the unification of man and God.But people can live also with God in his Kingdom (Baikuntha & Goloka).

View of Scientist on Spirituality

Stephen hawking... the ignorant scientist fails to understand that precepts of spirituality can never be understood standing on the pedestal of science. Spirituality starts from the point where science ends. Amongst the entire scientific fraternity it is only Albert Einstein who could fathom the depth of wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita to a limited extent.

View on Big Bang Theory

Bhagavad-Gita of Hinduism contains truth and only truth! Right from the stage of big bang to the dissolution of the cosmos (termed Pralaya in Hinduism)... all is explained in Bhagavad-Gita... the doctrine given to mankind by Lord Krishna in the battle of Mahabharata about 5000 years before now! Hinduism confirms irrefutably the truthfulness of big bang theory of evolution!

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